As believers in Christ Jesus, we are not called to be some piece of decor in church but to be actively participating in the ministry of reconciliation as sons and daughters of God. I have learnt not to joke or gamble with my identity in Christ Jesus because the more conscious i get, the more authority I’ve learnt to exercise in most areas of my life. I recently had an experience that made me declare without fear or doubt my Oneness with Jesus Christ. I found myself in a city where I had to sleep in a rented room, sort of a public place which wasn’t really a hotel. I wasn’t at all afraid but I felt alone in that quiet little room. Then I started telling myself I am not alone because I am with the Godhead and in the company of uncountable angels. I read some of my books for a while and later fell asleep and had a funny dream. Not a dream that makes you laugh per se but those dreams that try to create fear in a person. I woke up immediately and know what I did? I danced and rejoiced, celebrating the life of God in me with singing and worship. I sang in the Spirit and in my understanding giving God all praise and honor. I fell asleep again and woke up in the morning having slept like a baby in the warm arms of our loving Father. I am sharing this story because many other believers will wake up from such a dream terrified and they will quickly start casting and binding and rebuking and arresting but hey! You are casting, binding, rebuking and arresting a defeated foe (Hebrews 2:14-15). You are a son of God (John 1 :12-13) born from above. The indestructible life of God is in you and don’t forget you now have His DNA. You are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm far above principalities and powers. You are one Spirit with God (1 Corinthians 6:17) and your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). You have been justified by faith in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:1) and you have been sanctified by the Sanctifier who is God Almighty.  If God dwells in you, who do you think can attack you? When those things that appear to scare or terrify you come, acknowledge every good thing in you which is in Christ (Philemon 6) you are not far from God, He brought you closest than close through your union with Christ Jesus and you are in Him. You can declare this to yourself daily;


I am born from above; I am an heir of salvation and a co-heir with Christ. I have the Spirit of God at work in me and I have everything God has freely given in Christ Jesus! I am free from the consequences of sin because I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I have the indestructible, incorruptible life of God in me and His love for me is eternal. My life is preserved in Him and He has provided for my every need.
You Are Blessed!! 
