Many times, I read stories of people who have been cyber bullied because of their looks and they go as far as committing suicide because of the incident.  I’m not saying they were weak but it all starts with how you look at yourself; you told yourself you are not beautiful because you were defining yourself by your weaknesses and flaws. You think because you have acne you’re not pretty, you think again because your legs are not very long you’re ugly. You think again that because you don’t have a boyfriend or you’re not married you are not pretty. The list is quite long and you know what? You are the one telling yourself all these things and no one else. When you tell yourself these, what others say or do just helps to make you feel worse.  Everybody cannot be the same, the body you have fits your purpose perfectly, so, stop crying and trying to fix what is not spoiled. By the way, who said you’re not beautiful?  You told yourself that when you thought ‘A’ is better than you because she has a boyfriend or she’s married, she wears expensive clothes and wears makeup and because she walks with so much confidence you feel inferior to her.  Hello, the Bible says when God created everything even you He was pleased and He said it is good! At times we get so carried away with the physical that we neglect our spiritual side. We want to look like women who have done countless surgeries to look the way they do. As believers, our beauty stems from within and thus making the outward more beautiful. Never forget that you are the way you are because God wanted you to be so; your face, body size, bone structure and everything makes you uniquely beautiful.  I am not against you going to the spa or to the gym; you have to take very good care of that body God gave you. Remember it’s the temple of the Holy Spirit. Exercise, eat well, get enough rest, be happy and have a good hygiene but don’t become obsessed with your looks because it just might become an idol.
When you look into the mirror tell that person you see, that he/she is beautiful because Jesus lives in this body. Tell yourself you are happy with this wonderful body God gave you and you are fearfully and wonderfully made and perfectly in the image of God. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it; you don’t need to look like someone else to be accepted or to interact. You have to be you! Our world needs you just as you are and when someone tells you are not pretty tell them the problem is not with you but with their eyes or mindset. Don’t let people define you with the crowd. Be real, be you and don’t be proud! Those who criticize you only take advantage of the fact that you don’t know who you are and they are telling you, you are who you’re not.
Your hair, skin color and all those outward adornments don’t define you. If Jesus with all His glory is not ashamed to call you brethren, then what are you thinking? Jesus is alive in you and remember that  He is the express image of the Father (Hebrews1:3). You are the light of the world, a city built on a hill that cannot be hidden and just like Jesus, you are a wonder. Your beauty is not dependent on some relationship status or some guy who flirts with you. Social media is not what defines how beautiful you are. If you don’t see yourself as beautiful as God sees you, even when people  tell you are beautiful you will doubt them. Queen Ether wasn’t only a pretty face, she was a graceful woman and that’s why her husband the king was ready to fight anyone who goes against her.  Be a woman of the Word (Word of God), have a bible study and prayer life.
A man who fears God wouldn’t define you by your curves, your legs, eyes, color, height, size or whatever but by your inner beauty and fear of God. Love every part of your body, take extreme care of it, dress modestly because you can only have one body your whole life. Love yourself with all you flaws and don’t compete with anyone; Jesus Christ alone is your mirror image. I am writing this because I was there, I defined myself the wrong way, I felt insecure and competitive.  I searched for identity in the wrong things and places. I thank God for revelation knowledge; here I am enjoying who I am in Christ and physically.

You're Blessed!!!
