When men are in church they are all ‘born again’ and can sing and dance but amongst them are some who have their reasons for coming to church which is far from the idea of fellowship or for the Word of God ! There is what makes a man godly (my synomyms for that are Jesusfied and Christified both gotten from Jesus and Christ because He is our mirror) and that is what we are going to discuss. Take note i’m not talking about a man who just attends church every Sunday, i’m talking about a man who has a relationship with God and gives it value. Now comes the question ; what makes a man Jesusfied ? How would you know he is Jesusfied ? It is important to note here that not all men who dress formally are Jesusfied and you can never read a book just by looking at the cover. Outwardly, you will hardly differentiate a Jesusfied man from a regular church guy. The qualities of a Jesusfied man have been summarised to three major qualities which will be explained below ;
He makes God his first priority : Through all that he does you see God as his top priority. He understands that everything he has, comes from God and is not for him but for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He gives(not only finances, but time, services) in every way he can for the work of God. He seeks God first when faced with any decision concerning his life. He fellowships and serves in a particular ministry and not changing every time he has to go to church. He is willing and ready to be taught ; i say this because some men are proud and once they serve in a church for a while they break free to go and start a church of their own. I’m not against Apostleship and church planting but some men only seek the fame of a pulpit to manipulate those who are weak and have shallow knowledge in the things of God ! Having a good spiritual mentor he looks up to is a plus, especially if the spiritual mentor is humble and given to the Word of God !
He has a Bible Study and Prayer life : What i mean is, he has time set aside everyday for the study of scriptures and for prayer. These two go together, you cannot only pray without reading the Bible and so the two must be effective. 2 Timothy3 :16-17 puts it in a better way « All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness : 17, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works ». Take note that to have a bible study life, it means he has a Bible which is not the Gideon’s international (that’s where i started memorizing scriptures as a child) which has only the new testament. He has a Bible that has both old and new testaments and with this comes a journal ( and may be marker).
He’s transformed by the Word : When a man loves and studies the scriptures, he becomes transformed by the Holy Spirit living in him (Romans 12 :2). He becomes humble, kind, gentle, peaceful etc the fruits of the Spirit are visible in his character. His mind is being renewed and when he talks, you understand right away he’s had a genuine encounter with God ! He serves in the church and everywhere out of love. He shows respect for women and is helpful where need arises. He lets God’s Word draw his lines of conduct ; his speech and actions are intentional for exhortation (Ephesians 4:15). He doesn’t keep to himself but interacts with other male believers which encourages his walk with God.
A ‘Christified’ man is one who lets God have all of him and his actions are geared towards the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He’s been summarized in these three main points in that once God becomes a man’s first priority, he develops a devotional habit of prayer and Bible study and he becomes transformed by the power of the resurrected Christ in the Person of the Holy Spirt and so his actions and speech reflect our Lord. He loves friends and family and avoids situations that will get him entangled in what will not bring God glory.

You Are Blessed In Jesus Name !!!
