For several years i’ve been an active participant of thanksgiving ; i remember when i was a kid i would cry at home because i wanted to change gifts every season but i always informed my parents on the day my school has thanksgiving. I loved it back then because i was made to understand we are giving to help kids our age in need. It made me excited to give and strangely enough i grew up believing so. At one point in time i came to understand that it means thanking God for what He has done but my knowledge was kinda shallow ! This year i can honestly say i am celebrating all that i am in Christ Jesus and where He has placed me in Himself. I will highlight a few events in my life that have opened my eyes to see how much God loves me and how His mercy has preserved me.
First week of August this year, while at work we were attacked by armed men asking for money or they will kill us. It was as early as 8 :14 am and we were just about 7 of us in the office.  As time went on other colleagues joined and there were severe threats made on our lives. One thing kept me and everyone else safe. While lying there on the floor with my face on the floor, i kept on speaking in Tongues i never stopped even when they said at the count of 3 someone was going to be shot i declared safety upon everyone in Jesus Name. I wasn’t  brave because i am by nature but because Jesus held me close and told me not to be afraid. I held on to His Word and 1 hour 45 minutes later, the robbers left not seriously hurting anyone as they threatened.
The week following the armed robbery i lost my dad. It was so sudden and shocking. I tried so hard to be strong but i just couldn’t help myselft. I cried at midnight when everyone wass asleep, i cried every time i found myself alone. I was depressed and silently traumatized; couldn’t sleep nor eat and i was afraid even of normal people  walking behind me. When amongst friends, colleagues and family i appeared normal but when alone i couldn’t stop asking questions and wondering why things happened this way. I started speaking to the Holy Spirit when i am alone and i would explain to Him how i felt at that moment and gradually i would fall asleep and would wake up refreshed. God gave peace to my soul.
There’s so much more but i was involved in a road accident a few weeks ago and i got home saved and sound took just a few pain killers and i was relieved of the pain. The resurrection power of Jesus is at work in me making me limitless. Jesus has opened my eyes and even when i’m reading my Bible, it feels so different and deep. Jesus has given me assurance that His life in me is incorruptible and He can never leave me because i was worth dying for. With the Word of God in my spirit,  my fears disappeared and the peace of God has flooded my soul. No one can ever love me like Jesus and giving me everything even Himself. I walk freely with assurance of God’s protection and preservation. I am also thankful for where God has led me to fellowship, i pray God uses this Ministry mightily to spread of Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have Angels ministering on my behalf every second, every minute and every hour seeing to it that i am alright. I can’t possibly express how thankful i am but i want to say ‘THANK YOU LORD JESUS’. 


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