1Yesterday, we started reading the first part of this article and so, part 2 is about actually praying together during courtship.
Pray during courtship. You should form the habit of praying when you are
together. Someone may wonder and ask questions but because you two will soon
walk down the aisle, look for ways to communicate with each other nicely. Be
yourself, if you find it difficult to pray aloud (which i encourage you should)just let him know it’s your
way and give your reasons. If you love to pray more in tongues then let him
know and always communicate it in the best and simplest way possible. Always
avoid judging your future spouse based on how they pray and remember to also
avoid imposing your prayer style on your future spouse.
Go for retreats together. In case you fellowship in the same church, when church programs and retreats are organized please always
try to attend together. Sit next to each other and worship and pray alongside
everyone. Discuss with one another about the program you just attended, ask
questions and explain some things you just learnt which are new to you. This
way you are able to share some spiritual fears and insecurities.
Go for picnics together. I especially
love this one. Go on a picnic with your future spouse. Take some food, drinks,
bibles, ipads/iPods etc something that can give you some worship music). If you
can play any musical instrument like a guitar or a saxophone or any portable
instrument, you can take along to the picnic. Spend time with God as a couple;
avoid any intimate contact that can ruin your date. This way you won’t find it
difficult to pray as a couple even after marriage.
Pray for each other aloud. Develop the habit of praying for one another aloud and
in their presence. Make your declarations aloud for them to know and understand
you care for their spiritual and physical wellbeing. Be careful not to offend
one another because of the way you pray. Encourage your spouse and make them
know you love their style of prayer even though it’s ‘somewhat’ different from yours.
Understand that people love different prayer postures and styles so don’t look
at it differently and don’t try to compare or feel inferior before them.
Share prayer points and Bible verses for in-depth
study. If any of you
has a challenge maybe at work or in another area of your life, share it with
your would-be-spouse and remember to pray together as you pray for it
individually. Make prayer a part of you and see how God makes your marriage a
wonderful one. If your husband wants to lead, don’t stop him; always smile and gladly
give him the floor. It’s important to remember that you two may have different gifting,
like one is good with sharing the Word of God while the other is great with
worship, don’t impose your gift on your spouse and always appreciate their
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