Almighty Father, we thank You for
Your incorruptible life in us. Thank You for Your glad welcome when we come
into Your presence. Father we thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ who, through
His death on the cross, burial, resurrection, ascension and seating at your Right Hand, we are able to call
ourselves Your sons and daughters. You don’t withhold anything from us because
You have freely given us everything even Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You
Father for the lives of those You have called and chosen to watch over our
souls; ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank You Father for the
efforts and sacrifices they make in order to build us into those who can also
continue the spread of the Gospel. Thank you Father for their office as
shepherds and especially not shepherding us because we are weak but equipping
and building us more and more to take the Gospel to different parts of this
world. Father, we lift before Your Throne of Grace ministers of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ facing persecution and hostility from the outside world. Preserve
them in Your boundless love and mercy. We pray even for those who do not only
minister by talking about Your love but who go to meet those in need and who do
not only talk about Your love but point them to Your love with acts of kindness
and provision. May the grace and ability that comes only from You continue to
sustain them as they serve for Your Glory. Those who minister through music are
not left out. Father thank You for Your ability at work in them, using their
songs not only to point people to our Savior Jesus but to our King of Glory! We
pray that through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, they will write more
Christ-centered worshipful praise songs, lifting Your Name above every other
name. They will sing and people will come to know our Savior Jesus as well as
acknowledge His Lordship over all. We pray in the Name of Our Lord Jesus!!
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