Yesterday we started treating part 1 of this issues and it continues from here.

 Fears and Insecurities: We all have fears at some point in life but some people do not only have fears, they have intense phobia for one thing or another.  I used to be very afraid of death and robbery; until I experienced an attack from armed robbers at work and I lost my dad before I understood what it was like to trust in God. Discuss your fears and devise ways to fight them together. Some people have a phobia for failure, and it makes them skeptical about everything and even everyone around them. Pray and seek counsel in extreme cases.

      Idea of Marriage: Ask them what they think about marriage, how they look at it, the roles they expect to play in marriage. See, if they are speaking from how they viewed theirs parents’ marriage or a mentor/spiritual leader’s marriage. Take note if their ideas go with biblical views of marriage and remember that cultures and up-bringing differ thus making us see marriage from different perspectives but our views .

      Financial Situation: This again has absolutely nothing to do with fat bank accounts and all that. Find out if they have debts, loans etc. How do they plan to pay them, for how long, and is their present financial situation stable despite these? Are they wasteful or shrewd with money? Do they gamble? Will you cope if you become part of their lives? It’s not for you to judge or misjudge them but to support them and seek a solution.

      Communication when Angry: This is absolutely important. Some people are wild (pardon my language) when they are angry. They may become abusive and violent and others break things and say a lot of words that cannot be taken back after that. Other people do worse things. Can you cope with such a person? Can you deal with that anger or should you seek help? Are they making efforts towards the situation or are they stuck unto the belief that, that is how they were made?

     Weaknesses: There is no perfect person, no doubt but some people’s weaknesses make you want to leave more than you want to be with them. You are not marrying a perfect human being and if he is, you are not so perfect and imperfect wouldn’t match. Ask yourself if you can tolerate these weaknesses all your life or if you will stay and endure that side of them. What if they never change? Never get into a marriage hoping someone will change because if the person doesn’t change, you will likely be frustrated.
