GLORY, PRAYER PROGRAM (16-20 November 2015)

SPARKLING GLORY intercessory team gladly invites you to join them for a prayer program which will take place from the 16-20 November 2015. The aim of this prayer program is for a closer walk with God and intercession. During this period, we encourage you to pray in the Holy Ghost for 30 minutes daily and if you don’t pray in Tongues yet, please read our article on ‘Speaking in Tongues’ and the Holy Spirit will pray through you as you open your mouth to pray. Another thing to take note of is, to keep a notepad or journal beside you during this time of prayer because God can give you a word or instruct you to do something. Acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus over your life, give Him reverence through singing 'Enchristed' music, rejoice in His presence and celebrate His love. Focus on the finished works of Jesus Christ as well as His beauty, might and His indwelling in you. Forget about yourself and every other thing you may be going through and just Worship God.
We are grateful you made a commitment with yourself to be part of this prayer program. You are blessed with every spiritual blessing and you have what it takes to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You have His strength and ability in you.

