Most times when non-believers argue or fight with a believer, they try to judge you based on your faith. They may have a point because the Bible says in-Christ we are dead to self and alive in Christ. Thus the righteousness of God aids us in doing what is right. These non-believers forget that you are still in the flesh and you still have the power to get angry and say hurtful things in a fit of rage. Before Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, he had been with Him, heard and mastered His teachings but when he let his flesh speak for him, he sold Jesus to the Pharisees. People shouldn’t always utter judgmental statements about believers because they think they just did something wrong but rather you should encourage the person in well doing.
I recently read a short article about an African tribe wherein, if anyone sins or does something bad he’s taken to the center of the village with all the villagers surrounding him and talking ( more like declaring) about his good deeds. They spend some time doing that exercise and shortly after that you discover that the person in question burst into tears and repents of the evil he did and those he offended will also forgive him because he has shown that he’s remorseful and he greatly regrets what he has done. What a tribe! Seriously, this tribe describes what Grace does for a sinner. When you were a sinner, you did a lot of things your way and made most of your choices but when you receive the life of Christ, he starts ruling your life and emotions. When you do something wrong, the blood of Jesus that redeemed you from the curse is speaking of your righteousness, your redemption, your new life in Christ, your holiness amongst others.
I’m not a Christian because I have everything going smoothly and perfectly, I am, because Jesus loves me just as I am.God can use me in a way to bless your life through prayer or I may be able to preach an awesome message but I’m still a work in progress. God is not yet done with me. I don’t appreciate when people are judging me based on things they know they shouldn’t be saying. In Colossians 2: 15-17 Paul says “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 16. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or drink, or in respect of an holyday day, or of the new moon or in the Sabbath days: 17. Which are a shadow of things to come but the body of Christ. Yes! Christians are often judged from these stand points either what they eat or drink etc. We should be looked upon from position that we all make up the body of Christ. I may not be struggling in the same area of weakness as you but you should remember to show grace and tolerance not because what I am doing is right but because Christ died for me too and He already set me free from that thing I’m struggling with. In times like this, believers should be more loving and caring towards our struggling brethren and remind them of Romans 8: 1-2 which says “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
The Spirit of God is highly at work in me, purging what is flesh and gradually bringing me to a place of perfection. Jesus died for my weaknesses, he died for my sins, for my infirmities and now I live the glory life in Him and Him alone. It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me. I’m the manifestation of what He did on the Cross! Yes! He set me free! Thank you Jesus!
Be blessed in Jesus name!!!
