Today as I was returning home from this powerful church service where I learned and understood how to walk in the miraculous, I met this young man whom I saw during the church service praying for a blind man he met. I was instantly happy and thought to myself “I admire his courage”. Do you know why I thought so? Because I had not reached his daring dimension and another thing caught my eye, his friends were waiting for him somewhere along the way and one of them was speaking in tongues while he was ministering to the blind man. Now I had conflicting thoughts within me “why didn’t you join him” another thought was “wow, even if nothing happens there he has understood how to be bold and act on God’s word” another thought was “if this is his first time I bet you by the fifth, this guy must have done a miracle for God’s glory”. I sometimes hate to find myself in situations like this because it leaves me in a place of fear and most likely unbelief (pardon my language). My greatest fear is “what if the person doesn’t get well? I will probably be ridiculed”. Sounds familiar huh? That is the handiwork of the enemy so that you will quit and hide somewhere and not show forth the praises of our God.
Dare to do it because of who you are as a son of God  You are a son of the Living God and His word says you can do it. Christ has been made unto us wisdom and understanding (1 Corinthians 1:30). All that Christ is, is yours, all He did was for you. Do you believe you can be limited? Never! When Apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). He had understood what he had within him and he knew that he was no longer a man but an extraordinary being. His words are so deep and that is what it takes to walk in the miraculous. Know and understand who you are. This is the most important thing in being a Christian. You are a son of God! Look at the life of Jesus! He never strained to perform any miracle. He never made any statement like “this is not the atmosphere” no, he was ready always to perform a miracle. This is because He understood that being a son didn’t require religion or anything you can do. It requires just your understanding of your union with God; it is not about you or anyone else.  You are a partaker of God’s nature and a co-heir with Christ. God said “ye are gods” and look at it keenly; a God gives birth to its kind which is a god as well as a man gives birth to a man. So, being born again makes you a god which is the new creation man (2 Corinthians 5:17), you are no longer born of the will of man but of the Spirit. The Father has begotten you Himself (John 1: 12-13), He is for you, He is with you and He lives in you. Beloved, God’s ability is all yours, He is your source at every count, you are complete in Him and He is working everything out for your good. He loves you more than you love yourself and He is more ambitious about your success than you are. You are a branch of the Vine (Jesus) and you know the branch gets it livelihood only from the vine. You and Jesus are indissolubly united; You are one.
God requires only one thing from us; ONLY BELIVE! Believe that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He is the unchangeable changer; the creator of everything we see. We should take our eyes off what we see which is; His creation and see Him the Creator because it’s far more rewarding. God does not speak to please, he doesn’t joke about anything He says and no word that comes out of His mouth lacks power or fulfillment. Jesus spoke words with authority and simplicity. He was never afraid of what will happen because he knew what He said will come to pass. Jesus said to us “And these signs shall follow them that believe; IN MY NAME they shall cast out devils…” (Mark 16: 17-18). If God be for us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). As sons of God, we can do anything we ask in the name that is above every other name; THE NAME OF JESUS!

Be Blessed Beloved
