A lot of people nowadays are more excited about prophecy than they are about God Himself. The moment they hear of a man of God who gives apt and concrete prophecies, they run to those churches. They have become prophecy “maniacs” jumping from one church to another in search of prophetic words. They accept whatever word that comes from the mouth of any preacher they come across. Take note that I am not against the gift of PROPHECY (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20), no way! It’s a gift from the Holy Spirit which is made manifest through us to exhort, comfort and give God’s mind about a situation. Some preachers have misled, misguided etc many Christians because of this gift of prophecy. It’s worse because they don’t try to make a difference between a word of knowledge and a word of prophecy. Christians are always seeking an easy way out and nobody wants to pray about that prophetic word that makes you feel like dying, they accept even junk in the name of prophetic word(Leviticus 19:31). The Bible is clear about testing the spirits (1John 4:1) because there is the spirit of divination that some ministers use to corrupt the lives of fellow believers.
Beloved in the Lord, intimacy with God is the birthing place of every spiritual gift. Create a life of fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; listen to the voice of God, glory in His presence and these things you seek will be second nature to you. Seek to know Jesus the Word who was in the beginning with God and which was God (John 1:1). There’s more to knowing God than just the gifts, God in Himself is awesome, marvelous, and gracious etc. At times you are running after words of prophecy that weren’t inspired by the spirit of God and because it was some sort of divination, you start believing God lied to you, it’s not in God’s nature to lie and God does not speak to please, it’s not in God’s nature to tell you things He’ll be unable to fulfill. No! That’s not the God I serve and certainly not the God who sent Jesus to die for our sins. It’s so unfortunate that some ‘so called’ ministers have introduced many Christians to seek God’s hand rather than knowing Him and all these Christians believe and know about God is that He does miracles. Yes, it’s great but these people don’t have a relationship with God when they don’t have problems and they believe the minister who was used by God has all the answers to their problems (Psalm 106:15) and not God. Some ‘so called’ ministers use prophecies to extort money and property from Christians and these ignorant Christians do it believing they are doing as unto God. At times someone gives you a burden and heartache in the name of a prophecy and you don’t discern or test the spirit behind it and you find yourself dying slowly within believing that the judgment of God is upon you and your household and all you have to do is stay with that same minister for deliverance.
I love you dear brethren and I pray God reveals to us all areas where some prophecies have held us bound and set us free because where the Spirit of God is there is absolute liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). I have been a victim of such prophecies too but the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth has revealed to me how prophecies can ruin you because they weren’t given from a spirit of God but of divination. It is the will of the Father that you know Him and experience the beauty and power of hosting His presence. God wants more intimacy with you because it gives birth to spiritual gifts and fruits are which of His Spirit and not from your flesh. It is God’s will that you prosper as your soul prospers (3 John 2)
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”. God can never withhold any good thing from you and if God has freely given you everything in Christ it is because He loves you very much (2 Peter 1:3).
The Spirit of God in us has given us access to any realm that is humanly accessible if we seek Him in intimate worship. See him in everything you do, rejoice in His presence and most importantly teach your spirit man to always be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. All these can only be done with help of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the gift of discernment and God will give you tenfold and you won’t in any way be deceived by prophecies.
  Take some time and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you that part of you that has been held bound by a prophecy and which is obscuring access to God.
  Ask  the Holy Spirit to reveal to you those areas where other believers have been deceive and please pray for those in that prophetic bondage as well.
  Declare God’s authority over your life, your mind, your spirit, soul, body, ministry, family, marriage; job etc. every area of your life. (1 John 2:20)
Be Blessed In Jesus Name!!!
