Has it ever occurred to you that the way you pray reveals a lot about your life as a believer? It does tell a lot about your knowledge of God. I am aware the Holy Spirit prays in us and through us and thus declaring the will of the Father through us (Romans 8:26). What about times when we pray with our fleshly minds? There are times when as believers we don’t let the Holy Spirit pray through us because we are afraid our will contradicts that of God and we feel we badly need what we are asking for (sounds familiar). I know there have been times when I have become desperate asking something from God and not giving Him room to express His will about my request and I realize at the end that my request has become a burden (Matthew 11:28-30) and it’s keeping me away from intimacy with God. Seek God’s will in everything you do, remember always that His will for you is to see you prosperous and successful (Jeremiah 29:11). There will never be a day that you will have a better plan than God, know why? Because God knows the end from the beginning and He knows everything about you. God called you and ordained you unto good works and choose you to have His DNA. God existed before He created man and He had a perfect plan laid out for us and once you delight yourself in Him you are officially His.
When praying we shouldn’t always insist on our will and way, we should quiet down and listen to Him and give heed to what He has to say concerning your request. I discovered that you can declare every single promise in the Bible upon your life and it will come to pass because God is His Word (Job 22:28). At the resurrection of Jesus we became the new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we have been redeemed, justified, freed from any curse, delivered and we are now sitting with Christ at the right hand of God in heavenly places. Our blessings are not from here, they are from Heaven. When we talk about blessings we shouldn’t always expect it to be material blessings though there are material riches that God gives, He gives, wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Romans 11:33). When God’s grace and wisdom is at work in you, you can do everything through Christ (Philippians 4:13). You will have knowledge of witty inventions, creative ideas, and new technologies but above all you will prosper in everything you touch. Remember Isaac’s irrigative scheme during famine, God used him to show His might (Genesis 26:17-25). Where the Spirit of God is, there is fruitfulness, rejuvenation, productivity, freedom, excellence, overflow, excess etc.
We should always declare God’s word over our lives daily because His word never goes out and come back void (Isaiah 55:11), He honors His word and He will bring it to pass and never forget that no word of God is void of power or fulfillment. Declare God’s promises for your life, you are more than a conqueror, Christ in you is the hope of your glory, you can never lack because God is supplying all your need according his riches in glory. God has set you free from oppression, depression, bondage, curses etc He has ordained you to enjoy and live a life filled with abundance materially, spiritually, and emotionally, physically and socially. You have the mind of Christ and it’s helping you to think with a sound mind and making wise decisions. You are blessed coming in and blessed going out (Deuteronomy 28:6, 11-12), you are joint-heirs with Christ (Roman 8:17), you have been healed by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24), your every move is under His protective hand (Psalms 121:8).
Dearest beloved, God has our best at heart, we should be glad and rejoice in Him, seeking Him in all our endeavors and He will direct our path. Let us delight ourselves in Him and we will eat the good of the land.  In Christ challenges are stepping stones to new assignments and when you look closely you realize that God is teaching you one thing or the other. Before we came to Christ we had our baggage whatever they were and we have to let the light of God shine on these works of darkness. Let God have His way in you and make you more and more like Him, You are a city built upon a hill that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14) and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you. Dwell on God’s excellence despite your situation; it is only for a season and speak to those things that are not as though they were. Annoy the enemy with your peace and joy and refuse to give up and believe even more that something great is coming your way. Be still and know that God is, and will always show you His goodness and mercy (Psalms 23:6). The lines are falling unto to you in pleasant places and the seed of greatness is in you making way for divine relationships, connections and appointments to come to you. Let every man be a liar and God alone be true in your life because God is truth. Rejoice because God is good!

 Be Blessed In Jesus Name!!!
