I recently stumbled on a blog known as Young Keepers of the Home through Pinterest and I was so blessed by these young ladies. It is often said that the best way to invest in your future is to be prayerful. I totally agree because prayer is a key that opens all doors in life. In Young Keepers of the Home these four young ladies gave a 14 days program to pray for your spouse and for yourself as a wife. I learnt so much during this time. As much as I believe in praying for your future husband, which I do quite often I didn’t know I needed to pray for myself too as a wife. Praying for yourself as a wife opens your eyes to see where you were lacking and you get to see where you need building up and restoration. As young men and women, it’s absolutely important to pray for your future spouse and these are seven reasons why I believe you should pray for them.
1.      Praying for your future spouse gives you an idea of the kind of spouse you are trusting God for. As a little girl, we always wished and prayed we’ll find our Prince Charming. We always believed in fairy tales and knew there was someone somewhere who will come and sweep us off our feet and we’ll live happily ever after. Sorry to disappoint you because reality is a lot more different. Many guys will show up and give you the impression that they are the princes you’ve been wishing for but they will break your heart and leave you torn apart. When you trust God and believe He will bring your future spouse your way, you don’t flirt around wishing every guy is “the one”. God orders your steps and leads your path and before you know it, you are praising Him for that wonderful person. The more you pray the more your spiritual eyes are opened to see who you are and who God will join you with as spouse.
2.      Praying for your future spouse builds up your intimacy with God. During your time of singleness, as you spend time praying God’s will for your marriage, you fall in love even more with God. You realize that God’s will and plans for you is for you to succeed and prosper and not plans to fail you. You find Bible study and prayer enjoyable and you are assured in your spirit that it has been accomplished.
3.  Praying for your future spouse builds the fruits and gifts of the Spirit in you. During this time of prayer you realize that you are patient, self-controlled, joyful, loving, peaceful etc. These are fruits of the Spirit. They automatically develop because you are fast building a relationship with God and you are bearing His fruits. Prayer builds your Spiritual gifts because you spent time in the presence and you are enabled more and more by His life in you to see in the supernatural realm. The gift of discernment, hearing, seeing in the Spirit becomes evident, intercession becomes one of the most developed of these gifts. Now, spending time with God becomes the best thing you do in life. You love hearing His voice and obeying His instructions.
4.  Praying for your future spouse gives you clarity of vision. Investing in prayer for your future spouse makes you understand that as a man you are the visionary of God’s call upon your life and it thus puts you in a place of focus more on His will. A man has to understand he’ll be a leader of his home and family and most likely his ministry etc. As a woman, you get to understand your role as a help meet, a pillar of your husband’s life and you understand what it’s like to honor your future spouse by dressing modestly. You get to understand that God had ordained your marriage with your spouse from the foundation of the world to impact the Body of Christ in one way or another. Your purposes or calling must come together for you both to serve as one in the Body of Christ. Remember that God alone knows who is best for you.
5.  Praying for your future spouse reminds you that you are waiting for God’s Best. The best things in life are given to us by God. Life is a precious gift from God; Salvation is another sweet gift from God. There are a lot more for the Bible tells us that every perfect gift is from our Father above and His gifts add no sorrow.  This is awesome and I believe it’s the perfect promise to hold on to. God knows the end from the beginning, He knows what your daily life with your future spouse will look like, He knows the challenges that await you both in your marriage and He has the perfect solutions all set. Hold unto to Him for nothing short of His best for you and see what God gives you in a future spouse.
6.      Praying for your future spouse makes you happiest when you finally meet the person. When you finally meet your future spouse, you feel the peace of God deep within. The thought of him/her makes you smile and you can’t stop thanking God for that special one. You realize that the joy you feel doesn’t come from having just that person in your life but from God’s might and power to bring such a wonderful person into your life. You celebrate the goodness of God, you trust Him even more to empower you for the journey ahead. You realize that he/she is everything and more than what you prayed for. You stand in awe of God’s goodness and love for you as His beloved child. You feel uniquely humbled that God chose someone like you to share your life with such a wonderful partner as your spouse.
7.      Praying for your future spouse makes you used to praying for him even after marriage.  When you have developed the habit of praying for your future husband, you realize that even after marriage you find it easy to pray for him, for his day, for his work, for his challenges and more. When he’s in danger the Holy Spirit will use you to intercede for his safety. Through a life of prayer, God will always find ways to use you to minister to your spouse in marriage.
Dear brethren, spend time with God praying for your future husband/wife because the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). God answers our prayers and He’s happy when we trust Him with every decision we make in life be it about work, marriage, ministry etc. The Bible says we do not receive because we do not ask, yes ask and you shall receive what your Heavenly Father has in store for you. Remember to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Never forget that God can never withhold any good thing from you because He has given you everything in Christ Jesus. Another thing I learnt about praying for your future spouse is that, you feel less pressure to get married but you desire more to do it God’s way. You are God’s sweetheart, His masterpiece, the apple of His eyes, His beloved and He’ll never put you in a place of disadvantage but you’ll always be His top priority because you’re His chosen vessel.

Be blessed in Jesus Name!!!
