Many times people give titles to others and define them by such titles. If you are a business man you’re defined by your kind of business. Those are only titles despite the tons of millions you make from your business. That business you’re taking as your identity is not your identity because your identity is found in Christ alone. Defining yourself out of Christ is like estranging yourself from your family and taking up a name that is not you. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if anyone is (in grafted) in Christ (the Messiah) He’s a new creation (new creature altogether) the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. Behold the fresh and the new has come. This is who we are in Christ and thus we’re redeemed, sanctified, forgiven, and justified etc in Him. You cannot call yourself a child of God and insist on being some pilot and holding unto to it as what makes you you. You are a pilot by profession but you have God’s DNA in you by the Power of the blood of Jesus shed for your sins through His death and resurrection.
While men love to be defined by their job titles women love to be defined by marriage, and in some cases jobs. Some women find their worth in the men in their lives or their boyfriends. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and you’re unique, if you depend on men to define you, you will end up hurt. Believe in the finished works of Christ in your life. Your beauty as a person radiates from within your rejuvenated spirit by the Spirit of God. Your beauty is first of all inward and spreads outwardly for everyone to see. Believing that your worth is in men, is telling God that His work is incomplete as well as inefficient because you believe you are not complete till you have a husband. Take note that charm is deceptive and (outward) beauty is fleeting but a woman that fears the Lord is honored forever. Your physical beauty will age and wrinkle, you will someday retire from your job but the fear of God in you will always give you your worth. Ephesians 1:3 tells us we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. By His stripes you were healed giving you an advantage over diseases, sickness etc. you can do all things through Christ who is your strength which in other words mean because you have the Spirit of God dwelling in you, you have access to everything. The joy of the Lord is your strength always even in times of trials, you are joyful because you born of God.
 God is like your earthly father in that; you have your father’s name which makes you your father’s child. Wherever you go, you are identified by your family name making people know you are a member of that family by natural birth. Same with our identity in Christ, in Christ we are citizens of heaven, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. You walk confidently knowing that God has given His angels charge over you to watch and protect you from harm. Your needs are being met by God’s mercy daily and you are being led by the Spirit of God that works in you. You are a partaker of the divine nature and you therefore have the mind of Christ. You are the light of the world, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, an imitator of Jesus (Eph 5:1) and you are a labourer together with Jesus. This is far more than any human title you can cling onto, to give you an identity. This is who you are; a child of the Most High and creator of the universe. Refuse daily to identify yourself out of Christ because Christ in you is the hope of Glory.

Charis Shalom
