Yesterday we started with the five things you should know before marriage and today we will continue to the 10th.
 Change will take place as time passes. Physically, mentally, spiritually you will change. You may gain or lose weight physically after marriage, your way of looking at life changes with experience and innovations; you’ll either grow spiritually together or apart. When things like this happen we shouldn’t point fingers at each other or accuse one of not being serious and careful with life. These are times when you should be more united and pray together as well as work out the physical side together. One of you may have taken up a time consuming job that keeps you apart, work at it together, fight for your marriage with much effort and faith in God.
You will become a leader. The man who is the head of the home will be expected to lead his wife and kids in the fear of God! Children are known to listen to fathers and imitate mothers and so as the wife, you will often be leading your kids by your attitude and everything you do. How she responds to marriage challenges will highly affect her children’s minds. Your children are watching your steps, your church and fellowship members are watching too, your neighbors, friends, and well wishers are watching you to become better people. No one will ever tell you they’re watching but quite many are looking up you, wishing to learn to live better.
You’ll forego some things for the good of your spouse. You will not always have your way with things; you will not always get what you ask for, you will not always get the life you want i.e. free of challenges, you will not always win arguments but you’ll always have God’s grace to see you through.
You will be expected on most occasions to do what is right. It’s no longer about you and what you want. It’s about “two” and so any decision you take should be for the good of your family. Here, selfishness is no option; when you are in a situation where you cannot consult your spouse for counsel regarding an issue, trust the Spirit of Christ within you for wisdom. Don’t feel pressured to do anything you’ll regret or which will affect your family negatively. Every decision you make should be one to bring joy to your family, it should make your spouse proud to be in your life, it should make your kids proud to call you Mommy or Daddy!
You will be accountable for a lot of things. How you spend money, time and other things is very important. You don’t withdraw money and waste on unimportant things, you don’t spend your days lazying about without contributing to the growth of the family, you don’t leave everything weighing on one person’s shoulder and you feel you’re not good enough and you’re not accountable to anyone. Hey! You are! Your spouse should know about these details, it keeps trust and a sense of responsibility in your marriage. Contributing to the growth of your family has very little to do with money but if you can assist in any way you can i.e. spiritually, etc it will keep your family alive.
As believers, keep Christ at the center of everything you do in marriage, give room for the Holy Spirit to bear His fruits in you especially when you know your strength has failed you. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas where your spouse needs encouragement and extend grace to them. Meditate as often as possible on the Word of God and praise God always for your lives and God will work wonders in your marriage. Don’t give up on one another so easily, be determine from the first day of your marriage to fight for it as much as you can. God’s mercy is ever available for you and God will never leave you!

You're Blessed!!!
