The title i believe should be our declaration of faith at all times. "Above" in this context doesn't speak of the sky above; it speaks of the most superior realm, the realm of God. 'To be born from above' means to be born of God which means to re-originate in God, to be regenerated, to be fathered by God. By virtue of your union with Christ, the seed of God abides and remains in you and due to the divine residence of the Seed of God, you are characterized as having no relationship whatsoever with sin. Apostle John wrote in 1 John 4:4 (Amplified version) "Little children, you are of God (you belong to Him) and have (already) defeated and overcome them (the agents of the antichrist) because He who lies in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world." When you are described as being born of God, it implies that God is now the source from which our identity and nature is derived as believers. Our new genealogy in Christ is simply that we are of God. We issued from the bosom of the Father by means of Jesus Christ, the Incorruptible Seed. We are no longer of flesh nor of blood, neither are we born of the will of man, but of God (John 1:12-13). Abba Father!
God is the one who has given you life and He is the one responsible for the sustenance of that life. We are His because He has engendered us by His very own seed. We are born in His image and likeness. Take note that your life in Christ does not only consist of you being in Christ with just its possessions, safekeeping and associations, but it equally consists of the fact that Christ now presently indwells you; it's permanent and has taken place for time and eternity. In the book Fathered by God by Dr. Shawn Smith, he defines being fathered by God as being engendered of God's incorruptible seed, to be born of His own Life and nature through faith in Jesus Christ.
Brethren in Christ, we are partakers of the Divine Life. Dr. Shawn in the book mentioned above defines "Divine as being of God, having His nature thus being transcendent and distinct from all other forms of life. That which is Divine is superior in quality and kind, higher than any other; it is top in rank, surpassing every other thing in quality. This Divine Life is God Himself. One cannot possess this Life without first possessing God Himself." Thank You Lord Jesus! What a glorious definition of the word 'Divine'. God chose us from the foundation of the world, we belong to Him. He has made us sons, we are not limited by time or space, and we are without limits. We are blessed beyond any curse. We are God's masterpiece and we walk daily in the triumph of Christ. We are complete and perfect in Christ designed to receive God's best. God's love has crowned us with His special honor. All things are working together for our good; everywhere we go and in whatever we do, God's goodness is made manifest because you are born from above; you are a son.
